World Heart Foundation
Campaign Collaborator

The World Heart Federation (WHF) unites the cardiovascular community and drives the agenda to reduce the global burden of cardiovascular disease and help people live longer, healthier lives.
They work to end needless deaths and build global commitment for improved cardiovascular health at the global, regional, national and community level.
They believe in a world where heart health for everyone is a fundamental human right.
Together, we are working to raise awareness around why we need to take hypertension seriously – as well as educate on how small measures, such as learning to #SeasonWithSense, could make a big difference to people’s health and wellbeing.
“Hypertension is a global epidemic, which affects one in four adults worldwide and is responsible for 10.8 million deaths annually. The more information people have about the risks they might be taking with their health, and how to minimise them, the better equipped we all are to make the right choices for our wellbeing”
(Jean-Luc Eiselé, Chief Executive Officer of the World Heart Federation)
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#UseHeart to #SeasonWithSense